The following are publications authored and presentations given by attorneys at Hamre, Rodriguez, Ostrander & Prescott, PC:
“Recent Cases in Colorado Affecting Mineral Rights – Boulder vs Crestone Peak” presentation by Steven Louis-Prescott at the CAMRO Annual Conference (2022)
“Eminent Domain Update” presentation by Steven Louis-Prescott for IRWA (2021)
“Oil and Gas Law and Regulation in Colorado” guest lecture by Steven Louis-Prescott at Colorado Law School (2020)
Water Banking by Austin Hamre
When You’ve Had Your Fill by Austin Hamre
Title Fight – Avoiding a Water Right Conveyancing TKO by Austin Hamre
The Role of Temporary Changes of Water Rights in Colorado by Ryan McLane and John Dingess
Rathkopf’s The Law of Zoning and Planning, contribution by Joel M. Spector
“The Root Of The Issue: Dealing With Trees In A Condemnation” presentation by Joel M. Spector at the Colorado Eminent Domain Annual Conference (September 24-25, 2020)
“Abandoning a Condemnation Case in Colorado” presentation by Richard F. Rodriguez at the Colorado Eminent Domain Annual Conference (September 24-25, 2020)
“COGCC Mission Change Rulemaking: Considerations for Local Governments” CLE presentation by Steven Louis-Prescott and Josh Kruger for the Natural Resources and Energy Law Section of the Colorado Bar Association